Choosing the Right Custom Backpack Bag Manufacturing Company
We at Fuyun Bags & Outdoor are proud to say that we are a one-stop shop for all of your custom bag and outdoor gear needs. We offer production, design, and raw materials under one roof. Our clientele consists of Fortune 500 companies and well-established brands. It’s this experience that has allowed us to create a streamlined process for each step of the manufacturing process.

We will walk hand-in-hand with you from start to finish, working within your budget to create a custom backpack bag that is unique and specialized to your needs. Our factory is located in Guangzhou, China. We are committed to forming permanent partnerships with our clients, no matter what their size or requirements.
Concepts are intangible things, but we have the experience and knowledge to give them form. We specialize in turning concepts into physical products for our clients’ brands. Our team of designers can take your ideas and create leather and textile designs that exceed your expectations. We are leading experts in both leather and textile goods, allowing us to create unique, custom products that satisfy your goals and objectives. Our expertise allows us to tap into resources, providing you with a product that exceeds your expectations. Whether it’s design or materials, lead times or pricing; we discuss everything with you to make sure you get what you want—a product you can count on.
Finding the right materials is critical to the success of your product. We are in a unique position to source high-quality materials that meet or exceed your specifications, while at the same time being sustainable. Our relationships with material suppliers allow us to engineer products that not only look good but feel good too.
We believe that the execution process is just as important as your design. Our manufacturing facilities are modern, a fact you can be proud of! Our factory hosts a full-time staff of product development experts, production managers and engineers. This ensures that your products meet your specifications, are delivered in a timely fashion, and within your budget.
We are a manufacturer of sewing products. Our most popular items include backpack, car covers, tote bags,laptop cases, kids’ backpacks, diaper bags, pet carriers, lady handbags, duffle bags and tool bags. We have a large variety of patterns available and all of our products are made to order. We currently distribute our products on Amazon and eBay and have achieved Top Seller status multiple times.